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KAIRALI & PMHD team regret to inform that the Beloved mother of Shri.Rajan Panikar & Shri.Mohan Panikar our active members Smt.JANAMMA K. (92 YEARS, ) breathed her last at 05-25 a.m today due to old age followed by stomach ache & cardiac arrest on 22-02-22, Tuesday in ICU Panamala Medical College Hospital , Mannar. Shri.Rajan Panikar & Shri.Mohan Panikar., went by flight and reached at hospital, Mannar, Kerala immediatly after knowing the seriousness. β—Ύ Last rites & funeral will be today after 4-30 p.m. inside their residential compound at Ochira, Kayamkulam. Our Heart-felt condolences and prayers to The Almighty to give strength to bear the loss. With profound Grievances, KAIRALI & P.M.H.D TEAM .


FEDERATION OF ALL INDIA MARUNADAN MALAYALEE ASSOCIATION, Maharashtra state (FAIMA) M.V.Parameswaran, (KCF Chairman) was newly elected & selected as FAIMA President & was felicitated by the Chakkulath Ponkala team members (MADHU.J(president)Viswanathan Pillai..AmminiViswanathan Pillai(.ponkala committee..president).RajiManoj...LathaNair...sindu gopan...Malu Hari Kumar )πŸ™and devotees on 13 March 2022, Sunday on the Auspicious occassion of Chakkulathkavu ponkala celebrated at Shiva Mandir, Sant Gnaneswar Park. Pune. Mrs.Vijaya Parameswaran was also participated in this function and she is a good supporter in all his social activities. . !!! Congratulations !!! πŸ’«πŸ’πŸ’«πŸ’πŸ’«πŸ’πŸ’«πŸ’


Sunny, who is recovering from a brain haemorrhage at the Pune Sassoon Hospital under the leadership of Kairali, will be shifted to Kottayam Medical College tomorrow. The Kairali activists decided to send him home by ambulance after discussing with the doctors at the request of his needy wife who had returned from the country.


Representatives of the Faima Maharashtra unit visited the Mumbai Memorial Cancer Hospital today (26-3-22) to facilitate the ailing work waiting outside the hospital.


M.V.Parameswaran, President of the Federation of All India Repatriated Malayalee Maharashtra Unit and President of Kairali Pune, at the Muthappan Vellatta Mahotsava Darshan function at Vadgaon Sheri on 27.3.2022 .


Members of Vadagaonsheri Muthappan Samithy in one frame


Sunny, who was shifted from Poona Sassoon Hospital to Military Hospital in critical condition, is recovering thanks to the prayers of all, the expert doctors at the Command Hospital and the sincere care of his wife and Sunny's friend Vijayan, who is from his hometown. Congratulations from Kairali and Faima Maharashtra to everyone who collaborated with Kairali to save livesπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€


24-03-2022 The man in this photo is Sen Kumar, also known as Sen Kumar, my (S.S. Geeta Bhai) brother. He is 55 years old, 5'10 "tall and slender.
Contact no- S. S. Gitabhai 7510707315 / This sister, who has not received any information for 22 years, informed Kairali Pune. So Kairali Team Pune 9822538848 with the request that all social media shops should help find this brother.


FAIMA , MAHARASHTRA, Pune Area President and Chairman of Kairali M.V.Parameswaran informed FAIMA Co-ordinator & Sangli Kerala Samaj Co-Ordinator Shri.Suresh about the arrival of Police officers, from Ernakulam for the purpose of an investigation to Sangli. Sangli Samajam office bearers' welcomed and felicitated Police officers JOSE KURUVILA & SHIBU .O.M. who reached Sangli from Ernakulam and helped them in a better manner. KAIRALI & FAIMA , MAHARASHTRA DIVISION as well as the Officers from City Police Station, Ernakulam, Thank and appreciate Sangli Kerala Samajam Members for their co-ordination and respects given to the officers from Ernakulam, Kerala,who reached Sangli on duty. πŸ€πŸ’πŸ€πŸ’πŸ€πŸ’πŸ€

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